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Hiding Under The Bed

Fire Safety Tips For Kids

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Today we’re going to take a closer look at fire safety tips for kids.

Kids often relate fire with fun and celebration such as blowing out candles on birthday or watching fireworks. Most of the kids have a natural curiosity about fire. They are driven toward the fire and want to know what it looks and feels like. Many surveys found that most fires break out because kids play with matchsticks, candles, or lighters. The most common products ignited are mattresses or bedding. Sadly, small kids are the ones prone to fatalities.

Kids react oppositely to adults and hide under the bed or closet. Kids' perspectives are important here. We shouldn’t just tell our kids not to play with matchsticks or lighters. But we should protect them from mishaps by being fire smart.

Kid-Friendly Fire Safety Tips:

Fire safety is the priority, when it comes to kids. We should talk about the dangers of fire and teach them how to act smartly during such incidents. Here are some fire safety tips for little ones.

1. Indulge in Fire Safety Talks  

Due to pandemic, home has become the playground for children. Whatever objects they get, they start playing. It can be hazardous sometimes. Early fire safety education is necessary, as children don’t understand what is good or bad for them.  We should alert the kids and have a friendly talk with them when they are happy.

  • Tell them not to plug devices into one socket and inform the consequences of short circuits. These are the basics of using any electric equipment.
  • A "don't touch" approach is advisable for kids under 4 years. Instruct them not to touch any socket or electrical appliances.
  • If a fire breaks out, tell them not to close the doors or hide inside. Instead, run out of the place through the nearest door. Show them the nearest fire exit.
  • Instruct them not to run around the house as it causes panic. Roll if clothes catch fire. Rolling cuts down the oxygen supply by snuffing the fire.

2. Not to Play with Match Sticks

Playing with fire

Playing with a matchbox, lighter or candle is dangerous. ‘Don’t play with fire’ is mentioned on the matchbox. Always ask children to bring such items to you. Ask elder siblings to keep an eye on younger ones. When children are present in the room, smokers should be cautious since toddlers copy what they see.

3. Keep Kids Away from Fireplaces 

Fireplaces keep you warm during winters. It acts like a chimney, and smoke escapes through the tunnel. With children, you must exercise caution.

  • Keep children away from fireplaces. They will not touch the fireplace in your absence, if you make it a habit.
  • Do not light a fire and leave your children alone. Always keep a fire extinguisher nearby the room and teach them fire safety rules.
  • Place furniture, curtains, and other household items away from the fireplace, it may catch fire.

4. Caution about Flammable Objects

Do not keep flammable items like a wooden spatula or silicone holders, aerosol cans, nail polish removers, hand sanitizers, and room fresheners within the reach of children. Tell them not to spray any such liquids close to the fire.

Do not let them touch without your permission. Kids imitate their parents, so be careful when they are around.

5. Make Home Fireproof

Fireproofing is like a life insurance policy that protects you and your loved ones. Make sure you follow the instructions wisely.

Smoke detector
  • Install smoke alarms in every room. It will alert children to move out of the place. Train them to act wisely, if the fire alarm rings.
  • Pick fire-resistant doors and windows. Use fire-retardant chemicals on them. It also makes furniture fire resistant to some extent.
  • Keeping lawns green prevents fire from spreading as dried grass starts burning easily.

6. Make an Exit Plan with Kids 

An exit plan is essential for all families. Teach your children to lie down and crawl to the exit. During a fire, dark smoke obscures everything. Getting on the floor helps breathe and remain safe. Engaging and encouraging them will help them act quickly.

8. Avoid Using Elevators During a Fire

The apartment fire safety manual can be a bit different. If you stay in an apartment, teach your children to avoid lifts during a fire breakout. Get down and then exit through the stairs.

9. Execute a Mock Fire Drill Plan 

A mock drill can help kids react quickly to a fire. Make an exit plan and involve kids as it could be a fun activity for your little ones. Draw a map of your home on a plain sheet and let your child identify the exit room. Check windows and doors that they should open if required. Repeat your words- Run out instead of hiding!


It is important to teach your kids about fire safety measures so that they know how to stay calm and safe during a fire breakout. They should know about the safe exits and fire rescue plans. In this article, we have discussed all the fire safety tips for kids. These fire safety tips will surely help them stay alert in an unexpected situation. 

The Red Cross dedicates a page on their website specifically on this topic.