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house fire

How to Prevent a House Fire?

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Fire is one of the scariest and fatal tragedies that can hit home.

Preventing house fires from starting or spreading is the wisest decision you will make for your home and the safety of your loved ones.

It is always good to plan for handling fire hazards, but it’s better to prevent it.

Following the proper safety protocols, assures maximum safety from fire hazards, which can cause damage to both life and property.

But, do you often wonder how to avert fire hazards? What is inside the house, which can prove to be a potential threat? Worried to find answers to these questions.

Don't worry, I have got this sorted. I have compiled a list of factors that can prove to be useful for preventing a house fire.

Here is a guide to provide an in-depth insight into preventing a fire in your home.

Choose fire safety equipment carefully

Safety devices such as fire detectors or smoke sensors, fire safety ladders, and fire extinguishers are necessary for every household.

One can also get an automatic fire sprinkler system installed.

Purchase these devices after proper guidance from experts.

The number of such devices you need varies according to the size of your house.

Choosing these devices, considering various factors, and taking care of the exact requirements for the house is always a wise decision.

According to Rainbow Intl, investing in fire safety equipment can save money in the longer run by protecting you from a house fire.

Check smoke detectors regularly

Expose the issue of fire hazard before it becomes an accident.

Choose the best smoke detectors for home and keep the National Fire Protection Association guidelines in mind.

Smoke detectors are the first line of defense from house fires.

Choose them according to effectiveness, cost, and overall performance.

Install smoke detectors that contain both ionization and photoelectric smoke sensors.

Be sure to keep your smoke detectors in working condition.

Get in the habit of examining smoke detectors once a month.

This should also include regularly checking their batteries and replacement dates.

Their proper placement is also crucial.

Carbon monoxide alarms require proper maintenance 

Do not miss the opportunity to take proper care of your carbon monoxide detectors.

Make sure to check if the Carbon Monoxide sensors in your home are functioning properly or not.

When choosing these detectors for the home, always keep in mind the number of detectors needed according to the size of the home.

Keep fire extinguishers handy

Invest in good quality fire extinguishers and place them at required places throughout the house.

Keep fire extinguishers in easily accessible locations.

These simple devices are efficient to kill the fire before it turns violent.

Choose the ABC type fire extinguishers to ensure maximum safety.

Fire extinguishers can curb small house fires.

Smoking is a major cause of house fires

Smoking anywhere is not good for your health.

However, you cannot resist smoking or have visitors, make a rule to smoke outside the house.

Also, make sure to thoroughly extinguish cigarettes in an ashtray and never toss them on the ground.

You can also request visitors not to smoke at your property.

Apart from using ashtrays, one can also soak cigarette butts in water.

Faulty wiring and outlets need monitoring

Examine the electrical cords throughout your home for indications of fraying, and replace all frayed wires.

Pay special attention to cords.

Do not burden your circuits.

Get an experienced electrician to take care of the wiring.

Additionally, unplug electronics when not in use.

Many house fires begin in the Kitchen

With numerous devices in one place, the kitchen needs a little extra caution.

When cooking, be sure your oven, stove, and any devices are far away from flammable items.

Leaving the kitchen with food cooking on the stove can be dangerous.

Always keep the stove and oven clean.

Cleaning cooking surfaces regularly prevents grease accumulation and prevents fire hazards.

Check flammable household items 

Put gasoline and paint thinner away from the house.

Keep cooking oil, hairspray, and nail paint away from open flames and sparks.

Common cosmetic items like hairspray and nail paint can be dangerous as they are flammable.

When exposed to a massive heat source, they can be deadly.

Pay attention to the laundry room and garage

The high-powered appliances in the laundry room can overheat.

This makes them dangerous when discussing house fires.

Similarly, garages store several flammable substances such as gasoline or thinners.

Pay special attention to garages to avert fire hazards and stay safe.

Do not overlook cleaning to avoid house fires

Cleaning includes chimneys, oven, air conditioner, heating unit, fireplace, and lint trap of the clothes dryer.

Also, ensure the air conditioners and heating units are clean.

Proper cleaning can ensure safety from fire hazards.

Concentrate attention on cleaning areas where fires are likely to start, for instance, dryer vents, kitchens, and near heating sources at home.

You can also keep a check on washing machines and laundry areas.

Be careful with candles

This may seem trivial but candles bring aroma to home, but they’re also a principal source of house fires.

Avert fire disasters by guarding lit candles and blowing out the flame before leaving the area.

Arrange candles in guarded holders and suffocate them before going to sleep.


Be informed about fire safety measures

Last but not the least; inform your family on fire safety.

Make preventative modifications around the house.

Practice escape routes from home as a team.

It is one of the most important factors to consider when trying to prevent fires.

All the above-mentioned are some great steps to ensure your home stays safe from fire hazards.

Additionally, check that windows or doors are not stuck.

Store matchboxes and lighters in safe places.

These are easy-to-follow steps but can be lifesaving.

Fire hazards are deadly; however, the risks of fire hazards can be averted by simply keeping the things I’ve covered above in mind.

Stay informed! Stay safe!

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